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Over the last 15 years, God has kept His word. The vision has not failed, but is ever growing with divine focus and steadiness. The Father is bringing it to pass according to His plan. The excitement is building up in the spirit realm as we enter into the greatest season of our ministry. I know it seems to be an inopportune time in history, economically and with our current location. However, over the years, I’ve learned to take God at His word because Heaven and Earth shall pass away, but the word of God will always accomplish what it is sent out to do.
Keep serving God. Stay in the Word, seek and obey the rhema word which is already anointed for your breakthrough. Serve the Lord, worship God, nurture your fellowship with the Holy Spirit and He will reveal the mind of God concerning your issue

 We started this year with forty days of fasting in tune with “Operation Total Possession 2013” and in the first quarter, miracles and testimonies sprang forth! Hold on, the vision shall come to pass. It’s not the Pastor’s idea nor any man’s vision, it is God’s vision and cannot fail as we follow through in the Holy Spirit. His reputation is on the line!

Please allow me to extend many thanks to those that have remained faithful to this ever blossoming God given vision for the Church. Your prayers and support have kept myself and my family uplifted and the ministry surging forward. Forward Ever, Backward Never!

Thank you for your hard work and dedication. I appreciate our Church Staff and we continue to make room for new Church workers. Your prayers, cooperation with the Word and Holy Spirit wrapped in your smiling faces have helped to keep me going forward particularly when I needed encouraging.

The best of me (my wife, Felicia) myself and family wish M.O.W.I. & House of Prayer and all our Church friends God’s grace and His presence every moment of your race for the Kingdom.


In His Service …Rev. Dr. Jacobs Obamedo